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Sep 13, 2008

Butterfield Canyon

We spent a wonderful day in Butterfield canyon today. We went up there with my parents and my sisters family. The weather was perfect! Grandpa spent the day with the grandkids. He taught them how to make and use rabbit sticks, shoot a rifle and a pistol. They went on a nature walk, shrpened knives and made their own roasting sticks to cook hot dogs over the fire. It was a wonderful day.
Grandpa kept the kids so busy that the rest of us adults were able to do our own thing, we caught up and enjoyed each others company. Big Matt read his new Java script book we wnet for a nice walk, took a bunch of pictures and just generally relaxed and soaked in the beautiful fall colors and great company. this is a rare event for our family so we just loved every minute of it.
This brings us to the end of a rather busy week. We accomplished alot. The school carnival was last night and I painted faces for the whole time. It is fun to sit with those cute kids and hear the fun comments they make. Tomorrow is a day full of meetings for church and then a new week begins. I think I will have sometime to work on some craft projects and maybe get out and do some photography. I havn't done much of that lately and I really need to pick it back up. I miss it so. I just had to put a plug in for the beautiful day we just enmjoyed. I hope we can do things like that often enough to help Matthew to learn to enjoy nature and find peace in the beautiful things God has given us. What a blessing. Happiness to all.

Sep 10, 2008

Funny Story

I have a funny story to tell. Matthew, my only child sometimes has to entertain himself, Now just the other day we introduced him to the board game"Monopoly". My husband and I are not real fond of the game but Matthew took to it like a fish to water and since he can not convince us to play again (we have hit our once every ten year limit on the game) He has been playing with "Matt2". Now "Matt2" is the unlucky individual that Matthew has totally annihilated several times in the last few days. However Matthews need to play the game has led him to "loan" money to "Matt2" so even when the game should be over they can continue. In fact today Matthew owned 90% of the properties with hotels on all of them and Poor "Matt2" could not get around the board without going bankrupt, well sweet little Matthew felt so bad he kept telling "Matt2" he didn't have to pay rent and he just kept loaning him money. Now who is "Matt2" you ask. He is the imaginary clone of Matthew. I'll have to tell you some other imaginary friend stories another time. but for now I'll leave you with that little ditty.

Sep 7, 2008

Blogging Newbie

Hang on tight, here we go. Blogging for the first time. Today has been a crazy day and my head is doing its own thing. I just finished telling my husband that he is older than he was before. Like that was some epiphany or something. So Who knows what I may be reading tomorrow on my very own blog. Could be revealing. I have a few friends that have some really cool blogs and I thought it looked like fun. So here I come, dipping my toes in the pool of bloggers and techies. This is so not me but I can't resist fun so here I am.

My hubby is great with computers, Good thing since that is what he does for a living. So he has done most of the work and tutoring to help me get started. I have a lot to learn still so bear with me. I hope to figure this out and eventually be able to do it on my own but for now I am the ID10T error on this page.

Its too late for me now so before I embarrass everyone I know by saying to much I'll say adios for now.